Amini & Conant Case Study


Why did the client come to us?

Amini & Conant is a nationally recognized law firm representing exciting clients out of their offices in Austin, New York, and Los Angeles. As the firm's longtime marketing partner, we've helped their team crush numerous marketing challenges. 

Most recently, we were asked to execute a strategic outreach campaign that targeted Mercedes Benz owners affected by a recent class-action lawsuit regarding allegations that the manufacturer knowingly installed cheat devices to bypass emission regulations. Our task was to target and convince owners to opt-out of the class action settlement and instead be represented by Amini & Conant. The client needed us to come up with an entirely new brand specific to this campaign.


What were the core parts of the solution?

Our media team devised a robust media strategy that leveraged search engine advertising and social media user data to target thousands of possible affected Mercedes Benz owners. 

Simultaneously, our creative team got to work designing a series of compelling Facebook ads that led Mercedes owners to a landing page that outlined the benefits of opting out of the class action settlement. Once at the landing page, people were encouraged to leave their contact information to be contacted by the firm. Using research and analysis of the target audience, we created collateral that appealed directly to Mercedes owners, while communicating authority and inspiring trust. 


What was the outcome?

Our media team continuously optimized the campaign throughout its six-week duration, pivoting towards the most successful channels and targeting strategies. The campaign succeeded in capturing over 250 high-quality leads resulting in 31 new clients, including a fleet of 74 vans.

This is an image of mac desktop.
This is an image of mac desktop.
This is an image of a green graph.