Treble PR Case Study


Why did the client come to us?

Our long-term client and partner Treble Public Relations challenged us to come up with a more sophisticated brand to better suit the company's growth and up-market clientele.


What were the core parts of the solution?

Research and testing provided the framework for the rebrand. Our team undertook extensive media and competitive research to understand Treble’s place in the industry landscape. We tested potential creative options with representatives of Treble’s target client base to gain valuable customer insight. This in-depth analysis served as a data-led foundation for a series of creative brand explorations we produced for Treble’s leadership team. 


What was the outcome?

By underpinning our creative process with customer and industry insight, we developed a captivating brand, fit for one of PRWeek’s Top 100 agencies. Check it out for yourself.

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This is an image of mac desktop.
This is an image of a green graph.